I managed to catch the transit of the Great Red Spot. The atmosphere was lousy, but in the IR range, something I managed to photograph. Noteworthy dark edging around the GRS.
-Celestron NexStar 8 SE
-Barlow lens cell NPZ 2x
-filter ZWO IR-cut
-camera ZWO 290 MC (50 fps)
Processing: PIPP, Autostakkert (1000 frames from 4502), Registax 6.
Location: Russia, Anapa, backyard.
With the CH4 filter (890 nm), the Great Red Spot looks very bright. Unusually.
-Celestron NexStar 8 SE
-Barlow lens cell Sky-Watcher 2х
-filter wheel
-filter ZWO CH4
-camera QHY5III178m (100 мс, 10 fps, movie 3 minutes).
Stacking 1000 frames from 1800.
Location: Russia, Anapa, backyard.