-lens Samyang 135\2.0 ED Canon EF
-camera Canon 550Da
-filter Svbony CLS clip EOS-C
-mount Sky-Watcher Adventurer
140 frames per 30s, ISO 800.
Calibration with DeepSkyStacker, stacking with Fitswork
Scale 50%.
Place: Russia, Anapa, backyard.
Capturing the comet 46P /Wirtanen was quite difficult due to unstable weather, light pollulion from the city and the Moon. To reduce light pollution, I applied the filter Svbony CLS. Also, there were problems with processing in DeepSkyStacker with alignment by comet and stars – strange addition artifacts appeared. In the end, I decided to just add pictures with alignment on the comet. Perhaps I will come back to this material. The comet itself is bright, large and fast. I watched her a bit with 22×100 binoculars, like a globular cluster. The bright group of stars in the lower right corner is the Pleiades star cluster M45.