Search Results for: Sky-Watcher Adventurer

Обзор солнечного телескопа Sky-Watcher SolarQuest

Солнце — это ближайшая к нам звезда, и единственная звезда, у которой в любительские телескопы можно увидеть диск. Sky-Watcher SolarQuest — это специальный телескоп, предназначенный только для наблюдения Солнца. Это линзовый телескоп с диаметром объектива 70 миллиметров, оборудованный несъёмным полноапертурным защитным светофильтром из затемнённого стекла, а также уникальной монтировкой с функцией автоматического наведения на Солнце и отслеживания с автогидированием. Через телескоп Sky-Watcher SolarQuest можно наблюдать солнечную фотосферу (солнечные пятна, факельные поля). Также Sky-Watcher SolarQuest подходит для наблюдения и съёмки частных фаз солнечных затмений, а также транзитов Международной Космической Станции по солнечному диску.

Солнечный телескоп Sky-Watcher SolarQuest
Солнечный телескоп Sky-Watcher SolarQuest

Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi mount review

I recently became the owner of an interesting Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi mount on a Star Adventurer tripod. With a mount weight of only 1.3 kg, its maximum load capacity is 5 kg. The mount is equipped with dual encoders, that is, after alignment to the object, the mount can be rotated by hand, but the alignment will not be lost. The mount is controlled via Wi-Fi using the SynScan Pro application from a smartphone tablet (Android, iOS) or from Windows PC. You can connect a Synscan hardware remote control to the mount by pre-crimping the cable in a specific pinout. Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi is suitable for both beginners and advanced astronomy enthusiasts who need a multifunctional azimuth mount mount with built-in motors, Go-To, Wi-Fi and the ability to work in equatorial mode.

Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi на треноге Star Adventurer
Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi on Star Adventurer tripod

A mount is a device designed to guide a telescope tube to an object. In most cases, the mount is a part of the telescope between the tripod and the optical tube. In alt-azimuth mounts, aiming is carried out in azimuth and height (left-right, up-down), in equatorial mounts – in right ascension and declination. The azimuthal mount can be converted to the equatorial, by directing its axis of heights to the pole of the world. In this case, azimuth becomes right ascension, and latitude becomes declination. For tilting, a special device is usually used – the equatorial wedge. There are also motorized mounts with compensation for Earth rotation. In this case, the object does not escape from the field of view and it can be examined in detail, which is especially important in observations with high magnification.

Initially, the Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi mount was positioned by the manufacturer as azimuthal, but the developers released firmware for it with the addition of the equatorial mode, as well as the location of the mounting plate on the right (Firmware: AZGTi Mount, Right Arm, AZ / EQ Dual Mode). This significantly raised the interest in mounting among astrophotographers. You can update the firmware via Wi-Fi. Due to its small size, the mount can also be used as a mini-tracker.

The manufacturer himself warns that the mount was not intended for astrophotography, the updated firmware was made for advanced users, the efficiency in astrophotography is not guaranteed, and, as a rule, the user may encounter difficulties in obtaining the expected result.
An important difference from the Sky-Watcher AZ-GTe mount is the presence of double encoders and the ability to rotate hands with weakened axle frictions.

Hydrogen nebula around Sadr. August 6, 2019.

Hydrogen nebula around Sadr. August 6, 2019.
Hydrogen nebula around Sadr. August 6, 2019.

-Samyang 135\2.0 ED lens
-Optolong L-Pro clip filter
-Canon 550Da camera
-guider Deepsky 50\180 + camera QHY5III178m with IR-cut filter
-Sky-Watcher Adventurer mount.
43 frames per 120 seconds, ISO 800.
Location: Russia, village Supsehk, Kuban.
Processing: DeepSkyStacker (calibration), Fitswork (stacking), SIRIL (postprocessing). Scale 25%.
Full size.

IC 1396 nebula. September 4, 2019.

September was productive in terms of astro photography – I finally managed to process the footage. This time the subject was the nebula IC 1396 in Cepheus. I was a little mistaken with the orientation of the frame and had to crop the frame.

IC 1396 nebula. September 4, 2019.
IC 1396 nebula. September 4, 2019.

-lens Samyang 1352.0 ED
-filter Optolong L-Pro clip
-camera Canon 550Da
-guider Deepsky 50180 + camera QHY5III178m with IR-cut filter
-mount Sky-Watcher Adventurer.
34 frames per 120 seconds, ISO 800.
Location: Russia, village Abrau-Durso.
Calibration and stacking with DeepSkyStacker, background flatten with SIRIL. Scale 40%.
Full size without crop  – link.

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