ISS, July 26, 2024, 20:55
-Sky-Watcher Dob 12″ Retractable SynScan GOTO telescope
-SharpStar 0.95x coma corrector
-ZWO IR-cut 1.25″ filter
-ZWO 183MC camera.
-Sky-Watcher Dob 12″ Retractable SynScan GOTO telescope
-SharpStar 0.95x coma corrector
-ZWO IR-cut 1.25″ filter
-ZWO 183MC camera.
-Sky-Watcher Dob 12″ Retractable SynScan GOTO telescope
–Barlow lens cell NPZ PAG 3-5x
-extender tube
-ZWO IR-cut filter
-Svbony SV505C camera
Stacking 2500 frames from 44629 (Autostakkert), wavelets (Registax 6).
Captured on the territory of the “Côte Rocheuse” winery as part of the “Wine and Stars” tour, p. Varvarovka, Krasnodar Territory.
-Sky-Watcher Dob 12″ Retractable SynScan GOTO telescope
–Barlow lens cell NPZ PAG 3-5x
-ZWO IR-cut filter
-камера ZWO ASI 183MC
Stacking 2500 frames from 18134(Autostakkert), wavelets (AstroSurface).
Captured on the territory of the “Côte Rocheuse” winery as part of the “Wine and Stars” tour, p. Varvarovka, Krasnodar Territory.
-Sky-Watcher Dob 12″ Retractable SynScan GOTO telescope
-SharpStar 0.95x coma corrector
-ZWO IR-cut filter
-камера ZWO ASI 183MC
Stacking 100 frames(Autostakkert), deconvolution and wavelets (AstroSurface).
Captured on the territory of the “Côte Rocheuse” winery as part of the “Wine and Stars” tour, p. Varvarovka, Krasnodar Territory.
-Sky-Watcher Dob 12″ Retractable SynScan GOTO telescope
–Barlow lens cell NPZ PAG 3-5x
-ZWO IR-cut filter
-камера ZWO ASI 183MC
Stacking 1000 frames (Autostakkert), wavelets (Registax).
-Sky-Watcher Dob 12″ Retractable SynScan GOTO telescope
–Barlow lens cell NPZ PAG 3-5x
–ZWB2 + NPZ SZS-22 filters stack
-QHY5III178m camera.
Stacking 1000 frames (Autostakkert), wavelets (Registax).
Captured on the territory of the “Côte Rocheuse” winery as part of the “Wine and Stars” tour, p. Varvarovka, Krasnodar Territory.