
Группа солнечных пятен 2415. 20 сентября 2015, 16:07.

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Вчера немного пострелял с окна по Солнцу 🙂 Телескоп – Celestron NexStar 8 SE, апертурный солнечный фильтр Baader Astrosolar Photo, линза Барлоу Sky-Watcher 2x с Т-адаптером, камера ZWO 120 MC. Место съемки: Краснодар, окно кухни.

FAQ about lunar and planetary astrophotography

1. What is the difference of lunar-planetary shooting from other types of astrophotography?
When shooting planets, use a short shutter speed (from 1 100 s to 1 s), a relative aperture from 1:20 to 1:40 and the addition of several thousand frames. The clearest frames are selected, therefore it is possible to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and minimize the influence of the earth’s atmosphere.

Single stack and stack of 500 frames wih deconvolution and normalization

2. How does the planetary survey technique look like?
We get a video of the planet, crop and align it, then in a special program we select clear frames and stack them. We apply wavelets or deconvolution to the result of stacking – we restore the details and sharpness of image.
Manual for capturing and processing planets
Manual for capturing and processing lunar and solar movies

3. I want to try myself in a planetary photo. Where to begin?
To decide on the equipment – choosing telescope and a camera. Any telescope with high-quality optics and minimal aberrations in the center of the field of view will be suitable for shooting planets. You can get good shots with a small aperture (90-102 mm), but the recommended aperture is from 150 mm. If you already have a telescope – check whether it is in the black list.
The simplest photos of the planets can be obtained by capturing through the eyepiece of a telescope.

About observing the Sun

The stars in any telescope are visible as points, since they are at a giant distance from us. The only star on which you can see at least some details is the Sun.

In this article I will talk about ways to observe the sun. The jokers and those who are not in the subject will say – “Y-s, you can look at the Sun in the telescope 2 times – once with the right eye, and once with the left!”. And there is some truth in this – IN THE USUAL TELESCOPE WITHOUT SPECIAL PROTECTIVE MEANS (SOLAR APERTURE FILTER) WATCH IN THE SUN IT IS UNACCEPTABLE! The concentration of sunlight at the focus of the telescope and at the exit from the eyepiece is so high that you can instantly and forever lose your sight. So be careful, do not leave the telescope unattended to children, and ALWAYS tell them that IN THE SUN, WATCH IN THE TELESCOPE IS IMPOSSIBLE! NO HANDMADE FILTERS – NO “DISCS”, NO CDS, NO MASK OF WELDERS, NO TONING FILM – ONLY RELIABLE FIXED APERTURE FILTER FROM A SPECIAL FILM OR CLEAN!

Only sometimes, when the Sun is on the horizon, due to the absorption of light in the atmosphere, the brightness can decrease to a safe level, however, viewing without a filter can still be dangerous.

So, he told about precautionary measures, now we turn to the methods of observing the Sun.

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